If you are in need of ADA assistance please contact Josie at 719-658-2276 extension #2.

City of Creede Declaration of Emergency Related to COVID-19

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In line with the recent Statewide emergency declaration for COVID-19, the City of Creede's Board of Trustees called an emergency meeting today, March 18, 2020, at 9AM to delcare an emergency at the local level (Resolution 2020-05).

The emergency declaration will allow Creede to be eligible for emergency funding should it be made available at the State and/or Federal level.

The City appreciates your patience during this crucial time. Please feel free to contact the staff via phone or email with any questions or concerns.


Louis Fineberg, Town Manager:

Email: manager@creedetownhall.com

Phone: (719)658-2276, ext. 1#


Sarah Efthim-Williamson, City Clerk & Treasurer

Email: clerk@creedetownhall.com

Phone: (719)658-2276, ext. 2#