If you are in need of ADA assistance please contact Josie at 719-658-2276 extension #2.

COG Grant Available

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The Board of Trustees seeks citizen input on a grant opportunity from the San Luis Valley Council of Governments. The grant is a 1 to 1 cash match grant for up to $10,000. It will be awarded to projects that demonstrate contributions to economic development in Creede including, but not necessarily limited to:

1. Economic Development projects including facade improvements, energy efficiency assessments and improvements, Main Street/Community assessments, and community mapping.

2. Small scale capital improvements projects.

3. Development of marketing/promotional resources such as a website for the municipality or county.

4. Planning studies/analysis for municipality/county use.

5. Training or meeting facilitation.

Do you have ideas for a grant project that you would like to see the City of Creede pursue? Please submit them to clerk@creedetownhall.com or join the community conversation on our facebook page.