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Information Regarding the Recently Distributed Water Homeowner Survey and 2021 Drinking Water Quality Report

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Dear residents and businesses of Creede:
You will be receiving a water "Homeowner Survey" in the mail from the City.  This survey needs to be completed as a  requirement from the CDPHE (Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment).  It will literally just take minutes to complete.  The City also included a self-addressed stamped envelope for you to return the survey. 
As part of the required Lead & Copper sampling requirements, these surveys are needed to evaluate once again how many homes have copper, lead, plastic, or steel water lines in their homes.  The City will then submit a new sampling pool to the CDPHE for the required Lead & Copper sampling for the year 2021, which now has been increased to 20 homes twice a year.  It is the hope that through everyone's participation in this survey, and by sampling 20 homes twice a year in 2021, that it will return to just 10 homes being sampled in 2022!
The City wants to emphasize that Lead & Copper sampling has been happening for many years, and the results have been well below the standards, if any trace results were found at all.  The CDPHE just wants the City to get these surveys back to verify that all buildings that may be affected by Lead & Copper in Creede are included in the 2021 sampling pool.  Also, if your building happens to make the 2021 sampling list, there is NO charge for it to be completed, and the results of the sampling are provided for free as well. 
Lastly, the "2021 Drinking Water Quality Report Covering Data for Calendar Year 2020" has been included in the mailer as well.  This is an annual requirement by the CDPHE in which all water systems in Colorado are to provide information about the activities of the water system from the previous year.  As this report is to be sent by June 30th, the City saved money by sending it early along with the survey.
If you have any questions about the Homeowner Survey, or the Drinking Water Quality Report, please contact Public Works Director Scott Johnson at 719-658-2276 extension 4, or at Publicworks@creedetownhall.com.