If you are in need of ADA assistance please contact Josie at 719-658-2276 extension #2.

Past Comprehensive Plans & Other Helpful Resources

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Looking for information mentioned at the Creede and Mineral County Action Coalition meeting Saturday night or just want to have a look at some of the past assessments and info? Here's a few of the main ones.

Creede 2015 Downtown Assessment

Creede &, Mineral County Comprehensive Plan*

RWEACT Post-Disaster Economic Recovery Marketing Plan

Creede Resource Property Amending City Comprehensive Plan

Mineral County Comprehensive Plan 1977

*This one went through a few revisions and didn't end up being approved at the end by Mineral County, but they did participate in it over several years. Its got some great, albeit dated info.

For lots more information, including SLV health and early childhood education assessments, a hydroelectric feasibility study, the Creede Development Code, toolkits and information for small towns, and much more, please head over to our Info Library.

If you know of a planning document that isn't included, please contact us.