If you are in need of ADA assistance please contact Josie at 719-658-2276 extension #2.

News Article

City of Creede Declaration of Emergency Related to COVID-19

In line with the recent Statewide emergency declaration for COVID-19, the City of Creede's Board of Trustees called an emergency meeting today, March 18, 2020, at 9AM to delcare an emergency at the local level (Resolution 2020-05).

The emergency declaration will allow Creede to be eligible for emergency funding should it be made available at the State and/or Federal level.

City of Creede's COVID-19 Action Plan


This plan is primarily intended to offer guidelines, strategies, frameworks and thought processes on how the City is ready to handle Coronavirus (COVID-19). But be aware that this plan may change as we adapt to the situation. This is a unique event that we are dealing with, and it is too fluid to have absolute answers. We ask our staff and citizens to remain flexible as we work through the challenges before us.

When in doubt, please ASK QUESTIONS .

Main Objectives and Priorities:

When working through this plan, please remember that our main priorities and objectives will remain the same :

1.,,, Safety, Health and Welfare: Our number one priority is to protect the safety, health and welfare of Creede\'s employees, family members, and the community. Please continue to use your best judgment to do SO.

2.,,, Reliable and High-Quality Service: The City of Creede looks to continue delivering exceptional services to its community, but only if we accomplish priority #1. The community is relying on us for a number of essential services, and this plan attempts to address how we can continue to make that happen.

3.,,, Be Flexible: There is a lot of mis-informationswirling about this situation. The only thing anyone really knows is that we can\'t be sure what to expect. However, if we can be flexible and stick together, we will be prepared for any challenge that presents itself. Therefore, anything in this document is subject to change, and we will do our best to keep everyone informed when that happens.

This plan is not perfect, but it will help make high quality decisions. We do not want this plan to cause concern or alarm - we all know that unfo1.tnded panic and angst wJ11 only exacerbate any sifu,a t on. If you have any questions or concerns, contact us at the city.

We appreciate your cooperation, on this matter.


Town Manager, Louis Fineberg


Public Notice: City of Creede Water

Per the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, the City of Creede is required to notify its citizens of a backflow prevention violation and the city\'s overal water quality. Below are the supporting documents...

The City of Creede would like to emphasize that the water is completely safe. These notices are required by the state to be posted in public view as well as mailed to each residence within the city. Letters have been mailed to the public on October 22, 2019.

Please contact our Public Works Director, Scott Johnson, with any questions or concerns.


(719)658-2276, ext. 4#

Past Comprehensive Plans & Other Helpful Resources

Looking for information mentioned at the Creede and Mineral County Action Coalition meeting Saturday night or just want to have a look at some of the past assessments and info?, Here\'s a few of the main ones. Creede 2015 Downtown Assessment Creede &amp, Mineral County Comprehensive Plan* RWEACT Post-Disaster Economic Recovery Marketing Plan Creede Resource Property Amending City Comprehensive Plan Mineral County Comprehensive Plan 1977 *This one went through a few revisions and didn\'t end up being approved at the end by Mineral County, but they did participate in it over several years., Its got some great, albeit dated info. For lots more information, including SLV health and early childhood education assessments, a hydroelectric feasibility study, the Creede Development Code, toolkits and information for small towns, and much more, please head over to our Info Library., If you know of a planning document that isn\'t included, please contact us.,